The seminar on Italian musical terminology, held by Giovanni De Cecco, is open to students of Italian language, musicians and all lovers of Italian culture.
It aims, in the first case, to offer a brief excursus on the importance of the Italian language, which constitutes 90 per cent of musical terminology, thus broadening the cultural and linguistic horizons of the students of Italian.
In the second case, it provides musicians with guidelines on how to understand the meaning of various Italian musical terms, also in relation to their historical mutability and their different use depending on the geographical areas of European (Italian and non-Italian) composers.
Musicians, opera singers, and students of Italian will be invited to ask for clarification of any technical Italian musical terms or terms from Italian opera librettos. The audience will then be invited to an ‘open’ lecture in English and Italian, which can be structured into various interventions:
– Questions on how to understand technical Italian music terms (for musicians)
– Help with pronunciation of words or whole verses from opera excerpts (singers); understanding of meanings and focus on key words.
– Curiosities on Italian literary and musical aspects.
Where a piano is present, pianists will also be able to experiment ‘on the field’ the practical application and correct interpretation of Italian musical terms found in their scores.